Friday, September 30, 2011

An answer from the past

Today I was fortunate enough to have my place in front waiting for me when I went to swim.  I swim 6 days a week sometimes 7 depending on the week.  It is my therapy!! I could not resist this video of Mr. Bean.
I wanted to share something that had such a huge impact on my life that I would encourage you to try it and see what can happen.

It was 11 years ago I had started to journal.  Our family had come through a pretty rough time and I was in need of some change.  My journal became my hope.  A hope that God would keep directing us and guiding our family.  In this journal I had decided to write down my dreams.  What I found out was that my dreams were about other people, restoration of relationships, a place to live, where in very specific detail, the house that we would eventually move into would be a place that people would be able to find a restful place.  The detail in this journal was in my mind a little unrealistic.  However, I found out through this act of writing down my innermost thoughts that God wanted to meet me there. In this journal there were 10 very specific things that I had written down.  As of today 9 of the 10 have been answered.  I go back often to that time if I am feeling frustrated or wondering why the answer has not come.

As I write this today I pray that you would be inspired to write your unrealistic dreams!!  God loves the impossible!!  He answers today in ways sometimes we cannot understand but, I know that when I get a place in front!! He has told me again that His eye is on me.

Today I know was a double portion!!  I was at the grocery store and guess what?????

1 comment:

  1. What were the answered prayer you wrote down?

    I love this blog mom! Good job!
