Friday, September 30, 2011

An answer from the past

Today I was fortunate enough to have my place in front waiting for me when I went to swim.  I swim 6 days a week sometimes 7 depending on the week.  It is my therapy!! I could not resist this video of Mr. Bean.
I wanted to share something that had such a huge impact on my life that I would encourage you to try it and see what can happen.

It was 11 years ago I had started to journal.  Our family had come through a pretty rough time and I was in need of some change.  My journal became my hope.  A hope that God would keep directing us and guiding our family.  In this journal I had decided to write down my dreams.  What I found out was that my dreams were about other people, restoration of relationships, a place to live, where in very specific detail, the house that we would eventually move into would be a place that people would be able to find a restful place.  The detail in this journal was in my mind a little unrealistic.  However, I found out through this act of writing down my innermost thoughts that God wanted to meet me there. In this journal there were 10 very specific things that I had written down.  As of today 9 of the 10 have been answered.  I go back often to that time if I am feeling frustrated or wondering why the answer has not come.

As I write this today I pray that you would be inspired to write your unrealistic dreams!!  God loves the impossible!!  He answers today in ways sometimes we cannot understand but, I know that when I get a place in front!! He has told me again that His eye is on me.

Today I know was a double portion!!  I was at the grocery store and guess what?????

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It happened again!!

I know this is an unusual topic.  Pray for Parking?  Well over the years it has been a standing joke in our family that "MOM" always gets a place in front.  Just to give some validity to this statement yesterday it happened again.  I went to Stoneridge shopping mall in Pleasanton and there it was right in front the first space.  This was at 12 noon.  After leaving Stoneridge I had to go by Costco on the way home now we all know that Costco parking at anytime of the day is not easy and also a little dangerous, loading and unloading carts.  Well you guessed it drove in at 2 o'clock there it was a place 2nd stall down.  Right in front.

This blog is not going to tell you everyday about my parking adventures.  However, this is about how God answers prayer!!  Over the course of many years I have been journaling these answers big and small.  I want this to be an encouragement to you and to make you realize how much God cares about all of your concerns and needs.  Parking not such a big deal, right?  No it just lets me know in a very small way that God is watching over me!!